What a difference a couple of days makes. We also had a doozy of a thunderstorm last night. Watered the garden nicely. But in just a couple of days I see great changes in the garden.
A pepper has finally appeared! I was getting worried that I had planted too late.
An eggplant is forming as well. I love new beginnings!
Look how much the beans have grown!
Tomatoes are ripening at a nice pace. One year they seemed to ripen all at once and we couldn't keep up. I am sure that will eventually happen here too, as there is quite a bit of fruit on the plants. But for now we can enjoy them.
Good thing too. We have an abundance of lettuce to eat. Some has bolted, so we had better get to it. There will be salad with home grown ingredients tonight to go with our grilled London broil and fresh corn on the cob. It is a very good corn year and, as it is difficult to grow, I am happy with what has been at the store.
The marigolds were planted for color and pest deterrance. A particular pest I had in mind was our new puppy. I had read that marigolds keep dogs away. They did not have determined puppies listed, so I guess I overestimated the power of these flowers. So rabbit wire and a crooked but effective gate was put up around our treasures.
The dogs and I are enjoying an afternoon al fresco. Enjoying the cool breezes and happy that another storm has blown over. We are grateful that it has been what I would call a normal summer. We have had our hot days, but they have been interspersed with days like today, sunny, breezy and warm. A godsend when housebreaking and entertaining a puppy.
Our new patio has allowed us to enjoy these days even more. We have never spent much time in our yard. Our property sits at the bottom of the bowl that is our block. We have clay soil and a high watertable, so our yard would flood and become marshy and useable. Some drainage our neighbors have done and the addtion of the large patio have made outdoor living possible. The gazebo for shade - since we have no trees except those that hang over from next door - and comfy furnature make afternoon siestas wonderful. A firepit and awesome benches constructed by my husband make evenings just lovely. S'mores anyone?
I will talk about my other features another day. For now, we are just relaxing and catching the breeze. I hope you have someplace like this to enjoy.
Birdie in Cucina, al fresco
Yes, PLEASE, on the s'mores! :)